New Technology for IMTS 2018

When it comes to preparing for IMTS, everyone has their own particular area of focus. For Okuma’s Engineering department, our focus this year is very exciting because we’re going to be introducing more new machine tool technology in one place than we have in the past several IMTS shows. Here I’ll give you a preview of what we’ll be unveiling.

New from Okuma at IMTS 2018

  • LASER EX: Okuma just celebrated 120 years of removing metal, and now we’re adding metal, with laser metal deposition. The MU-8000V LASER EX revolutionizes production by combining our full-blown 5-axis machining center with a Trumpf laser providing the latest laser additive technology with subtractive machining capabilities. This super multitasking CNC machine implements laser metal deposition (LMD) technology with the ability to cut unique parts of many different sizes, shapes, and internal surface finishes that could not be machined inside if you did purely subtractive.
  • Connect Plan: Okuma is the first major builder to offer not just an easy ability to get connected (the OSP-P control is a PC, literally an Intel chip running Windows), but now also a software package that visualizes machine data and the health of not only your Okuma machines, but your other machines as well. Connect Plan is an ideal solution for customers trying to raise their machine utilization.
  • Get Connected to Automation: At IMTS 2016 we had a theme of “Get Connected” where we showed how easy it is to connect your Okuma to a network in your shop. Now we’re taking this further by demonstrating how to Get Connected to automation, and to productivity. We’re making it easier with apps that support our robot interface, bar feeders, automated pallet changers and automated tool changers – which ultimately enhances your productivity.
  • Other New Machines: We’ll also display incredible new machines like the LU7000, the affordable GENOS M460V-5AX and the new MB5000H II with 25% faster cycle times.

Visit Okuma Booth 338500 at IMTS 2018

Okuma AI on the Horizon: Okuma is working on an artificial intelligence (AI) algorithm that learns and helps shop floor managers optimize productivity. With a tool like Connect Plan we give you the ability to view what’s happening with your machine tools – which displays red, yellow or green to indicate current status. We can measure spindle utilization and identify the culprits that cause “yellow” idle time and resolve them. With AI, the machine will perform this discovery and resolution process for us. Imagine, fast tracking to high spindle utilization, just like that!

Conquering the “Impossible”

Some may look at these kinds of advancements and think they seem far-fetched. They wonder if we can really accelerate this kind of change, this fast. Remember though, it wasn’t too long ago that we all thought 5-axis machining seemed difficult – how could we ever conquer the challenges of moving five axes in a machine tool simultaneously? But here we are, and today 5-axis is becoming widely adopted in shops, and even getting easier to use and more affordable with our new 5-axis GENOS M460V-5AX. This is the typical process. First we break through the technology barrier, then we tackle the economics so more folks can put it to use. This process is underway for the technologies above, in varying stages.

What’s Next

This brings me to the reason Okuma Engineering is so excited about IMTS 2018. Our mission is to break through the barriers of next generation technologies so we can make them more accessible to more shops. “Mission impossible” is actually VERY possible, and we’re excited to show you what’s next!

Jim Kosmala is Vice President of Engineering & Technology, Okuma America Corporation.

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